Wednesday 31 October 2007

Lauren Conrad's New Dating Rules

It'd be fair to say Lauren Conrad can be pretty picky about guys - but Us Weekly has the real reasons from LC herself...

"Pickup lines have become so cheesy, people hear them as a joke now," Lauren says in the latest issue of Us Weekly. And the worst chat-up lines she's been subjected to?

"A guy the other day said, 'You're a smoking babe and I think you should call me,' and handed me his number," Conrad says, adding, "I just wonder if that's ever actually worked. 'Smoking babe'?"

And it gets worse! "I had a guy come up to me and ask for a Band-Aid and I said, 'No, I don't have a Band-Aid.' Then he said, 'You're supposed to ask me why,'" she told the magazine.

When Lauren played along and asked him, the guy replied, "Because I scraped my knee when I fell for you." Conrad recalls, "I didn't understand it. I was like, 'Did you really fall?'"

Still, Conrad understands it can be indimidating for everyone - including herself - to approach guys, or in their case, girls. She admits, "I've pretended to know a guy before" in order to get his attention. "I said, 'I think I know you from somewhere.'"

And, says Lauren, "It's hard to walk up to someone out of nowhere and be like, 'Hi, I'm Lauren.'"

Easier for you than me!

Source/Picture Source

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